Your Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Business Number (BN) is a unique nine-digit code assigned by the IRS or corresponding government agency to identify a US or Canada business entity. It's like a social security number for your business, used for tax purposes, hiring employees, opening bank accounts, and more. If you don't have an EIN or Business Number, you'll need to register for one with the IRS or the appropriate agency in your country before submitting your SMS application.
Please answer the following questions to help us understand how your company uses SMS.
Tip: Please be thorough and accurate. The more details you can provide, the faster we will be able to process your application, and the more likely your application will be approved.
Tip: if you plan to send phone numbers, or web link URLs, be sure to include them in your sample message
Mobile carriers require businesses to support opt-in, opt-out, and help keywords based on their use case. Businesses are required to honor all opt-out requests, and must allow opt-out via text messaging.